Bad Dream Aging

by Smith Pal

Simple Beauty of Flowers

Simple Beauty of Flowers

I am 33 years old. I know aging problems will start in the middle of 30's.I think this is the best time to take care.

I have dark circles around my eyes. Is this the starting of aging? Daily five hours I will be in front of computer. Usually I don't use so much chemical based creams. Can you suggest some natural methods to prevent aging problems?

One of my friends told me drinking more water is the best way to prevent aging. Is it true? I am an Asian. Is there any special care tip for Asian skin types? Nowadays so many creams are available in the market? How can we choose a quality product?

I know aging is not an avoidable matter. Still, as experts please suggest me the basic care
I have to take at this age....

Thank you.

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Nov 26, 2009
Bad Dream Aging - What to Do
by: George Parigian Jr.

Hello Smith,

Thank you for the question.

At your age, you are really in more of a prevention mode. You still have age and youth on your side, and will want to avoid the bad habits that cause you to age faster than you otherwise would.

Things like avoiding excess alcohol consumption, eating foods that will contribute to good health, and and also avoiding stress as much as possible.

Protecting your skin against aging starts from the inside out. What you eat has a major impact on the health of your skin.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should make up a large portion of your diet, along with some quality proteins to ensure your body has enough to repair and rebuild tissues.

This is dependent of course on your blood type. The book Eat Right For Your Type by Peter D'Adamo provides information on proper food choices by blood type.

Working long hours in front of a computer screen is not the healthiest situation, but is more and more common in our technological world.

Some form of exercise on a daily basis is important to help keep blood sugar under control,improving circulation, and also for maintaining muscle in the body.

For your skin, a good diet, and avoiding excessive sun exposure, and not having the vices like drinking and smoking are important.

Drinking plenty of fresh pure water is VERY important for the skin because hydration keeps your tissues soft and supple.

Dehydration accelerates the aging process, so again, water consumption is of great value. Consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juices is also beneficial for the entire body, but the beneficial effect is most visible of course in the condition of your skin.

As for creams for skin antiaging, I would say that skin products that help retain moisture in your skin are best at this point.

One such product that I really like is called NaPCA and is made by TwinLab.

As for dark circles under the eyes, the cause is that the tiny blood vessels under the eyes break as the blood clots and the circulation is impaired by the lymphatic system not draining properly.

This is kind of like having varicose veins under your eyes, and it causes the dark circles you describe.

Such products as "Under Eye Rescue Cream,"contain (N6-furfuyladenine)which is an ingredient that targets this problem because it is an "anti-clotting factor.

In simple terms it prevents the clotting of blood in the tiny blood vessels under the eyes that give this dark appearance.

It also acts as a true regenerating agent by increasing the protein turnover rate in skin cells.

Remember that part of the reason for this problem you have is lack of exercise and movement to maintain good blood circulation.

So you must make it a point to offset your periods of sitting still in front of the computer screen for hours at a time, with some exercise every day to get your blood flowing better.

Hope that helps!

Good Luck and Good Health,


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