Doubts Regarding Antiaging

by Hasina
(Pune, Maharastra, India)

Hasina - Wishing to Stay Young and Beautiful

Hasina - Wishing to Stay Young and Beautiful

I have some doubts and questions regarding anti aging.

As we grow older there are wrinkle formation in our face. I want to know reason for the wrinkle formations as the age progresses?

Also now days there are lots of anti aging creams, are they effective enough to protect from wrinkle formation. Are there any side effects of using such anti aging creams?

As age grows, we experience hormonal imbalance, due which we experience lot of problems in our body. How to avoid such hormonal imbalance, are there any medicines for it.

As we grow older, our body becomes week, so we are ought to take lots of mineral and multi-vitamin tablets, Is it safe to take such tablets? Are there any side effects from these tablets?

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Dec 05, 2009
Questions About Antiaging
by: George Parigian Jr.

Hi Hasina,

Thank you for the questions. They are good ones, and I will take them on, one at a time.

First, wrinkles in our skin are due to several things:

Loss of collagen in our skin
Degrading of elastin in our skin
Loss of water in the skin
Degradation of the protein matrix of skin

This is a simple explanation, but the details are much more complex.

As far as antiaging creams being effective, some of them definitely are.

Creams that help hold moisture in the skin are helpful, and those creams that protect collagen are effective as well.

There are two cutting edge ingredients that look very promising.

Matrixyl 3000 - which actually protects and regenerates collagen and

Ceramides - lipid molecules that help the skin retain water

Some people may be sensitive to these substances, but in general they are safe and actually make your skin healthier, as they are derived from natural substances.

As for hormones, the diminish with age, as everything else in the body does.

Bio-identical hormone therapy can help re-balance critical hormones and thus keep you relatively healthy for many years.

Vitamin and mineral supplements help ensure you are getting necessary nutrients you may not get in your food.

As we get older, our digestion is not as good, so we do not get all the nutrients in our food. Thus supplements can help.

These products are generally very safe with no side effects.

If you want to know more, look through my site and feel free to ask more questions as you think of them.

Good Luck and Good Health,


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