by Johanna
(Cozad, Nebraska)
I am a thirty seven year old homemaker from Cozad, Nebraska.
My new years resolution for the year 2009 was to quit smoking and try and live an overall healthier lifestyle.
I had been smoking cigarettes for more than fifteen years and it was very hard to give up the habit at first. Luckily I had a very supportive friend who told me about an exercise program called "Five Tibetan Rites."
She explained to me that those simple exercises would only take about ten minutes a day and they would help me be able to relax my mind. The exercise program would also reduce the signs of aging and restore some of my former youth and spunk.
I gave it a try and I was very impressed. It really helped me to put my mind at ease and gave me the strength to end smoking once and for all. Thanks to the "Five Tibetan Rites Exercises" I have not had a cigarette in almost a year.
I feel so much younger and healthier and I have so much more energy. I receive lots of compliments from people saying that I look at least five years younger.
I would DEFINITELY recommend the Five Tibetan Rite to anyone who wants to improve their health, look younger and feel better!
by Mary
(Phildelphia, PA, USA)
I have used the Five Tibetan Rites exercises because I am a yoga teacher and I have first-hand experience with breath work and the Chakra system.
When I was a college professor, I believed that ideas like this were just nice theories.
However, as I began to study yoga and live more in my heart and less in my head, I realized that the seven chakras are energetic realities we often ignore.
Your breath is the way you get into the chakras (the vortexes or energy centers that run along the spine from lower back to crown of head). If you do the recommended T5T (The Five Tibetan Rites) exercises, you will breathe deeply and fully.
You will activate the chakras, and each in turn will bring well being to different parts of your body and mental state. I use them, and people never guess I'm in my mid-50's.
I would definitely recommend the Five Tibetan Rites exercise system to anyone wanting to preserve their youthfulness and health as they get older!
by Jacob
(Columbia, MO, USA)
When I finally turned to the Five Tibetan Rites I was at the end of my rope!
It wasn't just the physical sensations that bothered me, it was the general stress and anxiety I felt building upon my general sense of malaise.
I felt like my body was in turmoil. Like my entire mind and body was fractionated and unfocused. I've tried all sorts of modern medicine's solutions to my issues.
I tried upping my anti-oxidants, I tried taking prescribed anti-depressants, I even tried therapy. But none of that worked.
It was in an act of desperation that I turned towards the ancient philosophy of Taoism, which eventually led me towards this site and the Five Tibetan Rites.
At first I felt a bit silly when I began spinning in circles and then stretching on the floor. But I stuck with it. Almost immediately after completing my first round of exercises, I felt as if my body was finally acting as a whole unit rather than a fractionated, impotent vessel for my depressed mind.
It's hard to explain exactly how I feel now. It's as if I was an old dirty dishrag, and the Five Tibetan Rites are kind of like I was rinsed under warm soapy water and rung clean.
Truly, it's no wonder these rites have survived the thousands of years to finally reach and help me.