Health benefits of coconut oil have been known for a long time. It is an amazing fat with many health-enhancing properties. Coconut oil benefits including MCT oil have been used to treat health conditions and improve athletic performance.
Coconut Oil – A Healthy Fat
The oil of the tropical coconut has some amazing properties and benefits IF it is used properly. It is one of the few oils that will stand up to high heat, so you can cook with it. It is 92% saturated, and thus it is very stable in warm temperatures.
Please note that due to the lectin protein that it contains, coconut, coconut oil, and MCT oil can react with all blood types, so take careful note of your reactions to coconut products and proceed accordingly. If you encounter problem with coconut oil it can still be used topically (on the skin) although not consumed.
Saturated fats have gotten a bad reputation due to misunderstanding of fat metabolism and improperly done studies. There is in fact no evidence to directly link the consumption of saturated fat to cardiovascular disease.
Coconut oil benefits oil are numerous and involve every system in your body. The oil is rich in Lauric Acid (50%) and is actually beneficial to the heart and cardiovascular system.
It is extracted from the kernel or “meat” of the mature coconut, and has the following fatty acid breakdown:
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
What Is It Used For?
Many of the health benefits of coconut oil also suggest the ways in which it can be used. It breaks down into four basic categories:
Quality and Grade
As with other oils, the most natural and unprocessed is always best! For maximum coconut oil benefits, you want to get unrefined virgin organic coconut oil. There are several excellent brands including “Garden Of Life Coconut Oil,” “Now Coconut Oil,” and “Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil.”
The health benefits of coconut oil are limited only by your imagination. Add this amazing oil to your antiaging arsenal!
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