Is Bio-Identical Hormone therapy Better? by: George Parigian Jr.
Hello Sudeep,
Thank you for these questions.
First of all, I am not a medical doctor, so I can only give you my educated opinion.
Since bio-identical hormones match natural hormones on the molecular level, and they are prescribed in much lower doses than synthetic hormones, logic would suggest that they are safer.
The entire philosophy of bio-identical hormone therapy is different in that the approach is based on a very individualized assessment of each person's needs.
The hormones are compounded by special pharmacies in accordance with a doctors prescription, and so are made to address the specific hormonal imbalances of each person.
As far as women suffering from asthma, I can't say whether they are safer. I have not found anything specific in the scientific research about how the use of bio-identicals might affect asthma.
My guess as an educated layman, is that they would not be a problem and might even help the condition.
However you would need to consult a doctor who is familiar with bio-identicals as well as research the topic to see if there would be a problem.