Seasonal Affective Disorder - Not Just Home Sickness!

by Sonny
(Brandon, Fl, USA)

My story involves my time at the University of Purdue in Indiana.

Having been raised in Florida, I was used to the idea of warm weather year around, including shorts on Christmas. Needless to say, Indiana served as a shock for me in more than one way.

Around January of my freshman year, I found myself becoming depressed. I wrote it off as homesickness and just assumed it was normal to feel that way. While I didn’t realize it at the time, my depression lessened and by May I felt much better.

I should note that I did not seek any treatment during this time. Needless to say, I did not understand why my depression returned the following fall. After much debate with myself, I decided to consult with a therapist.

I received a diagnosis of Histrionic Personality Disorder, explained to me as an attention seeking personality disorder. I didn’t understand why the therapist felt that I had this; since I did not ask to feel the way I did and did not want any sympathy from anyone else.

After a few more months, I sank pretty low. I returned home that February and my mom helped me to find a highly recommended psychiatrist. After a few sessions, she suggested that I might have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

She prescribed a minor dose of Zoloft and had me speak with a therapist in her office. The therapist helped me with some anxiety issues I had through some relaxation techniques.

He also suggested that I try working outside instead of in the gym so that I might get more sunlight. This was tricky for me, since cold weather doesn’t appeal to me. The medication and the therapy helped alleviate the disorder.

While I would occasionally have “sad days,” the treatment really worked well for me overall. It’s funny, I had never heard of this disorder before I was diagnosed, and if I had, I would have suspected it right away.

At least now I know what it is and have an awareness of seasonal affective disorder, and understand how to manage the problem from now on.

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Dec 09, 2011
Seasonal Affective Disorder
by: George Parigian Jr.

Seasonal affective disorder strikes many people during the winter months and can cause everything from lost productivity at work to illness and depression.

Fortunately remedies are available in the form of nutritional supplementation such as melatonin and 5-htp. Light boxes can also provide relief as well.

Nobody needs to suffer from this condition!

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