Where to begin?

by Lynn
(Breese, IL, USA)

Antiaging is not something that I have thought about often until recently.

But now, being in my late twenties, with two children, I have noticed my skin is not as soft, supple, or smooth as it used to be.

My skin does not have the bounce or shine that it used to have. I have tried to take care of myself as best as possible, but now I don't know what to do or where to start.

What is the first step in preventing further aging and how do I fix the damage that has been done?

Do I start with intensive creams and lotions to stop any further damage or do I start repairing the damage that has already been done.

I definitely feel and probably look older than 27 and would really like my youthful face back.

Please Help!

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Oct 27, 2009
Skin Antiaging - Where To Begin
by: George Parigian Jr.

Hi Lynn,

This is an interesting question, but really quite simple to answer.

Start from the inside out, that is, begin with better eating, the right nutritional supplements, exercise and sleep. There are antiaging products for your skin, but they will not compensate for problems created by bad eating and other lifestyle issues.

Our bodies, (including our skin) are constantly renewing themselves. They repair damage done on a daily basis, and it is only when the damage we do exceeds the ability of the body to self-repair that age related damage accumulates rapidly. That is why a healthy lifestyle is essential.

You will find lots of information on this website about all of these issues, and suggestions for books on these topics as well. The last step will be to have a full blood workup of all your critical hormone levels, just to make sure you are not suffering from an imbalance.

This is best done by a doctor who is certified in antiaging medicine,
because many mainstream doctors do not have the training to correctly identify hormonal problems that contribute to aging and in the absence of a medical crisis may tell you that you are normal, when in reality you may well have hormonal imbalances that if corrected, will help you look and feel younger into advancing age.

One thing I would definitely do is to pick up a copy of Dr. Nicholas Perricone?s book, Dr. Perricone's 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity: The Miracle of Cellular RejuvenationIt is pretty much the definitive guide on antiaging for your skin and has advice on all aspects of antiaging skin care.

The information in Dr. Perricones book will cover all the bases and guide you toward the steps you need to take to combat further aging and reclaim the healthy skin tone you had a few years earlier.

Good Luck and Good Health,


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